Thursday, September 29, 2011

I'm Still Alive...

HUGE apologies to everyone.... after school started I just got so swamped with everything that I lost touch with my blog.

I promise, I will try my best to start up again. I was thinking about changing the title of my blog, but I'm not sure. I was thinking, "The Maryland Ag Girl" ???? Thoughts/ideas would be appreciated.

Your Marylander,

Saturday, September 3, 2011


I fail.

I'm SO sorry that I haven't posted in over a week! I feel awful. As you know, I was at the Maryland State Fair all last weekend and then I had my first day back to school on Monday. So, I've been pretty swamped. I also came down with a nasty cold this week and had to take off school yesterday and am still recovering. I sound so nasally right now!

I can't promise regular posting but I can promise posts. I'm gonna get back into the gist of things.

Your Sorry Marylander,