Friday, July 29, 2011

When You Think Of Farming

What do you think of when you think of farming?

To any of you that are ag enthusiasts and are reading this, this question is probably easy and not all that significant. But what do you think others think of?

Education, education, education. That is what’s needed! If you walked up to any city dweller in Washington D.C today, more than likely if you ask this question someone would say something about being a vegan, or animal cruelty. Our society today is so influenced by PETA promoters and more people of the type that children that are being raised in this generation are basically being fed these false views on farming.

Now, I am not disagreeing at all with Animal Cruelty as a whole. I do not agree with animal abuse whatsoever, but that being said, I am not a vegan, vegetarian (whatever they are calling themselves these days..) or PETA member. I obviously 100% support ag, farms, and animal production.

One of my favorite things is going to our State Fair and just watching how people react to all the animals. You see, our state fair is small enough that you can’t just go to the midway and stay away from the animals. I mean, you could, but, the animals are basically right beside the midway, except for cattle and pigs whose barns a little further down. But some of the people who walk through those barns seriously disgust me. Some people are so crazy as to come right up to you and basically scold you for having animals tied up to the panels. I usually just laugh and shake my head and say, “They like it, they’re used to it.” And then they storm off.

I also love teaching kids about ag. Every chance I get I love to teach a kid about an animal they may not have known about, and if I am at a show like the state fair, I always encourage them to come pet my cattle and let them talk to them. See, one more advantage of naming cows! It’s fun to teach kids about cows when they can know the name of the cow. Much better than those steer jocks who have no name for the animal and could care less about the kid wanting to pet the cow. Heaven forbid someone touches that hair. Ooops! I’m rambling…. Steer jocks can be saved for a later day ;)

Alright, so I hope I am leaving you with a good thought…

Your Marylander,
p.s- check out the Maryland State Fair

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