Thursday, September 29, 2011

I'm Still Alive...

HUGE apologies to everyone.... after school started I just got so swamped with everything that I lost touch with my blog.

I promise, I will try my best to start up again. I was thinking about changing the title of my blog, but I'm not sure. I was thinking, "The Maryland Ag Girl" ???? Thoughts/ideas would be appreciated.

Your Marylander,

Saturday, September 3, 2011


I fail.

I'm SO sorry that I haven't posted in over a week! I feel awful. As you know, I was at the Maryland State Fair all last weekend and then I had my first day back to school on Monday. So, I've been pretty swamped. I also came down with a nasty cold this week and had to take off school yesterday and am still recovering. I sound so nasally right now!

I can't promise regular posting but I can promise posts. I'm gonna get back into the gist of things.

Your Sorry Marylander,

Tuesday, August 23, 2011



I wasn't exactly planning on posting about this today, but a 5.9 earthquake just hit in Virginia about an hour ago and the quake was felt as far north as New York and as far south as South Carolina. This is the only good video I can find of the news coverage:

I was outside washing my dog and while I was getting the shampoo he started growling and jumping around, but I didn't think much of it. And about 30 seconds later I felt the ground start shaking while I was scrubbing him and I almost fell down because it caught me off guard. My other dog was laying in the yard and started barking while it happened.

After it was over I went to check on all the steers and they were laying down in their pen but got up while the ground shook I'm assuming. They say that aftershocks are soon to come so I guess I will be tuning into my dogs.

Check my twitter for updates.

Your FREAKED OUT Marylander,

Monday, August 22, 2011

Maryland Monday–Maryland State Fair

This Thursday I will be leaving for the Maryland State Fair with my cattle. So, I figured that for todays Maryland Monday I would share some info about our state fair.

The Maryland State Fair is small but pretty mighty! The great thing about our fair is that we feature A LOT of agriculture. The barns where all the animals are is a big feature that everyone loves. It’s awesome to know that so many people are interested in the shows and how we take care of our cattle.

If you are anywhere near Maryland or live in Maryland, be sure to visit the State Fair! It’s truly something you don’t want to miss. It is like the whole state of Maryland, the culture, the traditions, all wrapped up in one fairgrounds. It’s Maryland Monday every day there! ;)

I am leaving Thursday morning for the fair and I show Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Friday is Steers and Heifers, Saturday is Showmanship, and Sunday is the Open Class shows. We leave Sunday night and then (cue the horror music) school starts back up on Monday.

I am trying to figure out how to get my posts to post automatically so that you guys won’t be left hanging while I am at the fair. By the way, ALL of these pics are of the MSF, not just random fairs.

Your Marylander,


p.s- Check out the Maryland State Fair website and see what we’ve got :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I’m Sensing A Trend Here…

So I’m starting to think that Sundays will be my ‘day off’ from blogging. I wasn’t going to post today since it is so late, but I decided to just let yall know that you may not see a post every Sunday from now on ;)

But, nevertheless, this is a post, so I must share something right?



This necklace, I love.

Turquoise = #winning!



I also love this bracelet. The diamond is the same type on my belt, the colored cut diamond. And it’s zebra print. I’d say that’s a win win situation!


These two items are both from Cowgirl Creations! Check out their stuff, you’ll love it!

Your Marylander,


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Oh Paula…

I don’t know about you, but my family LOVES Paula Dean. My Mom has a few of her cookbooks and loves all of them.

One of my favorite recipes of hers is her Baked French Toast Casserole. I love breakfast, and French Toast is my favorite breakfast meal. So this dish is of course my favorite! You can have it for breakfast or dinner because it is so good. Click here to get the recipe.

Another variation of this is made with blueberries and this recipe is by Giada Di Laurentiis, my go to person for amazing Italian recipes. This dish is great for those of you who love fruit (like me). It also a little more healthier than Paula Dean’s ;)

Try these recipes, you won’t regret it!

Your Marylander,


Friday, August 19, 2011

Favorite Things Friday -- Scentsy

This Friday may be something that a few of you know about, or a few of you don’t. Scentsy!

I (and my whole family) am in love with Scentsy Wickless Candles. We have at least one in every room of the house, whether it is a full size warmer, mid size warmer or a plug in, we have it.

Scentsy is a great alternative to burning candles, and are safer than normal candle warmers. You can leave them on in your house while your gone all day without having a worry in the world. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention the SCENTS! My favorite part. They have a ton of scents to choose from, and all are so strong and so close to what they are supposed to resemble. For example, their “Hazelnut Latte” scent from the Corner Café collection can transform your house into a café in seconds. You can create any mood you want with their scents.

My sister just recently became a consultant, and I encourage you to check out her consultant page and order something from her if you’re interested! Also, for any of you MD, PA, VA, or WV readers out there, if you are interested in hosting a party and don’t know a consultant near you, contact my sister and she’d be glad to come do one for you. She attends West Virginia University so if you are near the Morgantown area she can do parties for you on the weekends.

This is one product that I could rave about all day! Try it, I promise that you will be pleased!

Your Marylander Scentsy Lover,
