Monday, August 22, 2011

Maryland Monday–Maryland State Fair

This Thursday I will be leaving for the Maryland State Fair with my cattle. So, I figured that for todays Maryland Monday I would share some info about our state fair.

The Maryland State Fair is small but pretty mighty! The great thing about our fair is that we feature A LOT of agriculture. The barns where all the animals are is a big feature that everyone loves. It’s awesome to know that so many people are interested in the shows and how we take care of our cattle.

If you are anywhere near Maryland or live in Maryland, be sure to visit the State Fair! It’s truly something you don’t want to miss. It is like the whole state of Maryland, the culture, the traditions, all wrapped up in one fairgrounds. It’s Maryland Monday every day there! ;)

I am leaving Thursday morning for the fair and I show Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Friday is Steers and Heifers, Saturday is Showmanship, and Sunday is the Open Class shows. We leave Sunday night and then (cue the horror music) school starts back up on Monday.

I am trying to figure out how to get my posts to post automatically so that you guys won’t be left hanging while I am at the fair. By the way, ALL of these pics are of the MSF, not just random fairs.

Your Marylander,


p.s- Check out the Maryland State Fair website and see what we’ve got :)

1 comment:

  1. Cattle are the beauty of nature and are very use full for human needs . we gain many useful benefits from the .they the close part of our life we complete many needs by them as milk , beef, lather and so on.


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